Rempro DPC Injection Cream

Rempro DPC Injection Cream (BBA Certified)
Designed to stop rising damp in walls. By injecting the cream along the mortar bed, It forms a continuous damp proof course to stop rising damp from spoiling treated walls. This application can be applied internally and/or externally depending on wall thickness and type of construction. A re-plastering specification should be carried out to complete the process.
Rempro is an established UK provider of high quality remedial products including our BBA certified DPC cream.

Treatment of Rising Damp
Rempro DPC Cream is a ready-to-use silane/siloxane cream, used to form a barrier against rising damp where there is no DPC, or where the existing DPC has failed.
Our cream has been tested by the BBA for use to form a DPC in accordance with BS 6576 : 2005 and the The Property Care Association Code of Practice for Installation of Remedial Damp-proof Courses in Masonry Walls.
The installation process involves delivering a set amount of the product into a series of holes drilled into the mortar course, and the subsequent replastering.
Replastering is necessary to retain the salts in the body of the wall and prevent damage to subsequent redecoration. This should be carried out in accordance with our Replastering Specification
The product should be installed by contractors with experience in the treatment of rising damp using the methods described in the BBA Certificate (enclosed within packaging and available on request).
After treatment, a 230 mm thick solid brick wall previously affected by rising damp should normally dry out in 6 to 12 months, provided normal heating is used during the winter months. A thicker wall may take longer. Where hygroscopic salts are present the wall may not dry completely, but the replastering system will prevent damage to internal decorations.
Rempro DPC Cream Stops Rising Damp
Rempro DPC cream creates a continuous chemical barrier that prevent and control rising damp via the injection of the cream into the existing mortar course.
Our cream has been tested on a wide range of substrates and has proven to work on most types of masonry.
Whilst the coverage rates will vary a single cartridge will treat a 4.5m single brick (110mm thickness) run or 2.25m when treating both sides of a cavity wall (220mm thickness). Please allow an additional 10% when estimating materials.
- Supplied in 400 ml plastic cartridges and 8 litre packs
- Suitable for solid walls of brickwork, blockwork or masonry
- Suitable for conventional cavity walls
- Suitable for walls of rubble-filled construction

BBA Certified
Rempro DPC Cream has been assessed by the BBA as being fit for its intended use provided it is installed, used and maintained as set out in the accompanying certificate (19/5657). New Agrément Certificate Awarded June 2019
- Product forms a barrier against rising damp
- A brick wall will normally dry out in 6 to 12 months
- The product will remain effective for at least 20 years
Treatment Procedure
Holes 12 mm in diameter are drilled horizontally at the base of perpends and at maximum intervals of 120 mm along the selected mortar course. Solid walls of brick or stone should be drilled from one side to within 20 mm of the opposite face.
For preference, cavity walls should be treated from both sides but, if the thickness of the individual leaves permits, may be treated from one side. When undertaking treatment from one side, the drill must pass completely through the selected mortar course, then across the cavity and to a depth of 90 mm in the other leaf. The cavity must be clear before treatment. When treating cavity walls from one side it is essential that the holes in each leaf are filled.
In random stone and rubble infill walls, the mortar course should, if possible, be followed at the appropriate selected level, or drillings may be made into porous stone. Where the variable thickness of stone walls and the possibility of rubble infill dropping and blocking injection holes causes difficulties, it may be necessary to drill to 50% of the wall thickness from both sides at a corresponding height. Alternatively, additional holes should be drilled adjacent to obstructed holes to ensure that an adequate volume of Rempro DPC Cream is introduced to the wall.
The injection process consists of loading the Rempro DPC Cream cartridge into the applicator gun and inserting the gun delivery tube into the full depth of the predrilled hole. Each hole is backfilled fully with Rempro DPC Injection Cream to within 10 mm of the surface by slowly squeezing the gun trigger whilst withdrawing the delivery tube.
Particular care is taken to avoid bridging the dpc, either internally or externally. Where external rendering has been removed, it is restored, ending in a bell casting above the injected dpc.
Holes in the external wall surfaces are plugged with sand/cement mortar coloured to match the existing wall surface.
The treated walls should be left for at least 14 days to allow initial drying out.