Fort Products


Please find below comprehensive instructions relating to a range of our rodent control products. Please contact us if you require additional assistance on your product as we are happy to help.


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Roshield Rodent Baiter Station MK1 Instructions

Instructions for the Roshield Baiter MK1 rodent bait station, including kits with rodenticide and rats traps. The box can be identified by the keyhole opening on the top of the lid as well as the black tri-key included within the kit.

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Roshield Rodent Baiter Station MK2 Instructions

Instructions for the Roshield Baiter MK2 rodent bait station, including kits with rodenticide and rats traps. The box can be identified by the keyhole opening on the side of the lid as well as the red two-pronged key included within the kit.

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Rodenticide helpsheet (All Amateur Products)

Product helpsheet for the control of rats and house mice in and around buildings using Roshield rodenticide bait.


This helpsheet sheet has been designed to compliment the main product label instructions on the rear of each individual label. Users should always read and comply with the label instructions on the rear of packaging at all times.

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Roshield Rat & Mouse Trap Instructions

Product instructions for kits that include our rat or mouse traps.
Also includes examples of placement of trap within our Baiter station.

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Roshield Mouse Boxes (Various Kits)

Support documentation for our mouse box stations.

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Black Cat Rat Trap Instructions

Product instructions the Black Cat Rat Trap