Starling Control
This information is relating to the common starling (Sturnus vulgaris) only.
Starlings are not a significant pest within residential environments; however they are known to gather in large flocks called a murmur, and their group nesting and roosting sites can result in significant damage due to their corrosive droppings as large amounts of waste that can quickly cover a floor space. Starlings are a particular nuisance, which occasionally requires controlling especially within food sites. Starlings are also widely found on farms and building plant rooms located on roofing.
The installer must understand the regulations surrounding the control of starlings as they are protected within the UK. Licences can be obtained to control starlings; however, we highly recommend that any works are undertaken only after a nesting site has been abandoned or pro-actively before a problem arises.
Bird prevention options are limited, and presently spikes and bird wire is not a viable option for their control, light, and little prevention can be gained from using spikes, but this is not guaranteed. Thus we do not advertise this as an option. Bird barriers where the starling is physically prevented from accessing an area is the only option available for starling control. Mesh size not be no greater than 28mm
Starlings are very persistent and will quickly find any weakness within a barrier system. Installers should pay particular attention to edges and joins.
28mm Starling Netting
Netting is a secure and effective barrier that prevents starlings from gaining access to food sites and other locations to cause a health & safety issue. Bird netting is made from HDPE UV stabilised twine which can be used in both internal and external environments. Users should pay particular attention to the bird frame which holds the net as this is an area that starlings will abuse if installed incorrectly.
Recommended for installations for all types of proofing works.
Solar Panel Mesh
This device offers a permanent exclusion method where sparrows are unable to bypass the physical barrier. The mesh is highly recommended to prevent starlings from gaining access to solar panels’ underside and can also be used around open fascias and voids around properties as required. Once installed correctly, this system will have a significantly longer life-span than netting. Available in both galvanised and PVC-coated plastic.
Recommended for installations for all types of proofing works.